Å veie fordelene opp mot ulempene

Det finnes mange eksempler på nyttige screeningundersøkelser. Kanskje den vanligste som blir brukt for voksne, er å sjekke risikofaktorer for hjertesykdom og hjerneslag rutinemessig i primærhelsetjenesten. Det er godt dokumentert at høyt blodtrykk, høyt kolesterolnivå og røyking medfører en risiko for å få disse sykdommene, og at man kan forhindre hjerteinfarkt og hjerneslag ved å kartlegge, gi råd og behandle mennesker med slike risikofaktorer.

I denne underseksjonen:

  • Ichalmers

    This fragment of text, which is to introduce the subsections that follow, does need a page on its own. Go by the fonts of subsection titles for order the material.

    • Douglas Badenoch

      This will mean that the six pages linked from this page are “promoted” to the same level as “lessons from neuroblastoma screening”

      I will do this, but we still need to think what happens to the text “There are many examples of beneficial screening. Perhaps the most widely used in adults is the checking of risk factors for heart disease and stroke that is routinely done in primary care. There is good evidence that high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, and tobacco smoking increase the risk of these diseases, and that identifying, advising, and treating people with such risk factors can prevent heart attacks and strokes.”

      i.e. where does this text appear? On the “Earlier is not necessarily better” landing page? (http://template.testingtreatments.org/home/earlier-is-not-necessarily-better/)

  • Ichalmers

    I should have written ‘doesn’t need a page on its own’ in the previous comment